I could spend hours on end
working in the darkroom
developing negatives and
enlarging my images
they had this quality that
made them foreign to me
once I graduated from the contact proof sheet
and enlarged them
as if giving birth to them
they started to have their own life
I had to take care of them until
they grew up and abandoned me
they started their flight while swimming in the rinse after the fixer
and kept on flying while drying
stuck to the grey tiles
my darkroom days are over now
I'm a translator
a passionate, articulate, all-over-the-place-masters-degree-in-hand translator
and I can sit down for the longest time
transposing images of images into other images
of other languages
my translations don't abandon me though
they live in me
through me
within every atom in my being
like the heaviest burden
they cumulate
and they could really climb the tallest ladder, the motherfuckers
but they don't, of course they don't
I miss the lightness of getting rid of things through photography
as its antipodean nemesis
stays and buries me deep into the ground