Aprovechando la lluvia, el frío y unos segundos que tengo antes de ir a buscar a las chicas, los dejo con esto. Que se trata de esas cosas que me hubiera gustado haberlas escrito yo, pero bueh.
La puta digo.
Red Wasatch Mountains glowing in the night
Sounds of Little League baseball under giant lights
Cheers echo off the mountain wall
We cross the creek on foot
Cottonwoods rattle softly overhead
We see the game from where we stand
Little boys racing for the ball
The creek is cold as ice
We find a hand-made bridge
Boards some kids have nailed together
On the other side it's sandy
Smooth stones
The Mountain has a hold on this town
You can feel it from the creek
Cedar City, Utah
Sam Shepard (Motel Chronicles)
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