jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

Happy Places

I've been reflecting a lot lately about age and death, about how to embrace all changes as they come, and about how to live a meaningful life. Because the only certainty we have is that we are all aging and we are all going to die. I've realized how I appreciate the marks and the sagging of my skin, the wrinkles, the gray hairs. How I appreciate that mi eyesight is not what it used to be. How I have the privilege of good health and a long life expectancy.
Today, I came across this wonderful quote, and I felt I related to it in so many beautiful ways: "All the trees are losing their leaves, and not one of them is worried." ~ Donald Miller.
Life is good. Aging is good. And death will be the culmination of an incredible journey. I'm never going to grow older: I'm constantly growing happier.

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018

sueño de anoche

Se me habían clavado unas astillas y los dedos empezaban a sangrarme. Me chupaba las yemas para detener la hemorragia. Tal vez el sueño esté relacionado de alguna manera con este poema.

truth # zero

and what are we but a big wound in a constant state of healing

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2018

fall and rise

yesterday: two eggs with a double yolk
an owl

today: the rising Harvest Moon

I've never been one to
in clichés nor in anything else

I'm one who opens arms and looks and finds and lets it all in
and tries to feel it until it dissolves and melts and fades and goes back to black again